Ending marriages comes with plenty of issues and concerns. Choosing between annulment, separation and divorce is totally dependent upon your current situation and what you wish to achieve. But worry not, a divorce attorney in Prattville, AL will assist you. They will help to understand it in detail. So, let us plunge straight into the topic and find out about it in detail.
Should you Go for Separation, Annulment, or Divorce? Let us Understand in Detail
There are generally three ways to finish your marriage. It is Separation, annulment, or divorce. Each comes with its requirements. So, let’s understand them below in depth.
1. Separation
It occurs when the couple makes up a mind to live apart without officially putting an end to their marriage. The reasons for choosing this divorce can be plenty, such as requiring time apart to fix their relationship and any others.
However, this type of divorce still requires addressing concerns, such as child custody, property division, and support. Furthermore, it allows them to evaluate their relationship without coming into a permanent contract. The couples can either reconcile with each other or choose to end the marriage permanently if separation does not provide any solution to their issue.
2. Annulment
Annulment is a legal process that makes marriages null and void from the very beginning. As if it never existed. It usually works on several factors. It includes lack of consent, fraud, and incapability to close the marriage. An annulment can take place immediately after the marriage. But sometimes, it also comes with a time limit. Furthermore, it is dependent on certain grounds.
3. Divorce
Divorce comes as a legal ending to the marriage. Here, both the parties mutually separate and become single. Furthermore, they are free to marry anyone of their choice. It involves filling out a petition, submitting documents, and negotiating terms that involve child custody, support, and property division). At times, the jurisdiction can provide ‘No-fault divorce’. It means that you can put an end to your marriage without providing fault on either spouse. The basis of fault-based divorce can be brutality, adultery, or any other factors.
Wrapping Up!
Divorces are scary as well as the entire process. However, the decision between separation, annulment, or divorce is highly personal. Nevertheless, you should analyze which one caters to your requirements and your needs.