Slip and fall may occur at any time. But, unsafe surface conditions, environmental factors, and workplace hazards can lead to severe slipping out and severe injuries. You will be amazed to get to know that 72,050 injuries happen per year due to slip and falls. According to the HSE figures, 31 percent of all no fatal accidents happened due to falls and trips on the same floor. If a slip and falls happen due to the negligence of the workplace management, the employer is accounted to pay the compensation for the posed damages and injuries. You can get in touch with Nova Scotia | Wagners Law Firm for more detail.
Major Causes Of Slips and Trips
Wet Floors
Several factors can trigger wet floors. Spillages are a clear culprit. Wet floor surfaces can also be caused by cleaning. Moreover, as it rains outside, the entry areas get moist when the rain goes into people’s shoes and clothes. Poorly preserved buildings can also leak and let the water in.
Slippery Floors
Glossy polished floor tiles look stunning but they may lead to slip and fall, especially when it is used on an inappropriate space like a bathroom or entrance where the floor becomes wet easily. The flooring can be slippery even under dry conditions, depending on the form of footwear used.
Dusty Floors
Liquids are not the only culprits that pose to slip. Slipping risks can also be developed by dusty surfaces that prevent shoes from gripping the floor.
Loose Mats and Floor Coverings
Certain mats can also create a slip risk especially when the surface underneath does not grip well. You just step on it in the wrong way and it slides away under your feet. If you have protected a new floor temporarily with sheets or cartons, they may also lead to slip and fall.
Materials, tools, or equipment that is left especially in walkways are a frequent cause for work trips. To work, you must use tools. But it can be unexpected for someone else when you put a tool or material in the wrong place. Packaging and waste materials are often responsible for risks to trip.
Uneven Flooring
Potholes and uneven paving on footpaths can also pose risks when you don’t expect them on the footpath. Cracked slabs and other issues with maintenance must be resolved as soon as possible to avoid an accident.